Studio Media

Period 2: w45jcj7
Period 3: gyt2wm
Period 5: vzuave
Please join our class 
Period 2
text to: 81010
message: @kc7a83

Period 3
text to: 81010
message: @ceb73f

Period 5
text to: 81010
message: @86gdgf


2019-2020 school year
Students will need:

  • 1/2" or 1" binder to be used only for this class
  • pencils and erasers brought every day
  • a ruler with a 3 hole punch
  • looseleaf paper
  • 6 dividers
  • a thumb drive to store their work digitally

Assignment # 1:

All students will need to print the vocabulary packet (the link to which is found in the bar on the top right side of the main page of this blog) and show it to me in their binder on or before Monday Sept.9.


Studio Media
Mrs. Keuerleber                                                                               
 extra help: Mon. & Wed. (rm 515 or 608)  2:15 - 2:45   
Standards & Requirements
  1. Be present and on time on a daily basis. All students will be held accountable for all lateness and absences. Work missed must be made-up in a timely fashion.
  2. Come to class prepared and ready to participate with a pencil, eraser, binder, homework, and any other materials for that day. Each rubric takes into account student participation and preparation.
  3. Be respectful of others, their property, artwork, and ideas. This includes, but is not limited to:
    -Maintaining a clean & safe work environment.
-Quietly listening to others during instruction, demonstrations, and discussions.
-Following specific procedures when working in the art room.

Studio Media is a foundation course that introduces students to the Elements of Art & Principles of Design.  This is a foundation level course where students will learn to work creatively using the computer. Students will work on the computer the majority of the year; however; there will be numerous drawing exercises and projects given in other materials. Students will be exposed to the same foundation level vocabulary and concepts as all other Studio courses. The computer programs primarily used are Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Students earn a letter grade, which is averaged in with their GPA the same as their other academic courses.  There will be a Final Exam, consisting of computer based, written and drawing sections. As a guide for Studio Media, students will have a vocabulary packet of definitions and will acquire worksheets that support each new area of art.

Homework that supports new concepts in class is assigned regularly and is to be organized in the student’s binder. If you are absent, it will be your responsibility to check what you missed. Binders will be kept in class and will be graded once per quarter. You will be expected to turn in your binder on the due date. You will lose point every day it is late.  
Students may need to come in during scheduled “extra help” sessions to ensure that assignments (no matter how large or small), are completed successfully and on time. If an assignment is not satisfactorily completed it will be returned to the student to finish within one week. Each class project is accompanied by examples and a criterion-referenced rubric, which explains the objectives, expectations, and requirements for successful completion of the project, along with points earned for each level of achievement. All documents for this course will be shared electronically.

Examples of our first project:

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