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2019-2020 school year
Students will need:
- 1/2" or 1" binder
- pencils and erasers
- a ruler with a 3 hole punch
- looseleaf paper
- 6 dividers
Assignment #1:
All students will need to print the vocabulary packet and show it to me in their binder on or before MONDAY SEPT. 9
1. Click "vocabulary packet (download for printing)" under HELPFUL LINKS on right side bar
2. Click "foundation art vocabulary" under STUDIO DOWNLOADS.
3. Open download and print
4. Hole punch and place in binder.
Studio Art
Mrs. Keuerleber
extra help:
Mon. & Wed. (rm 515 or 608)
2:15 - 2:45
Standards & Requirements
- Be present and on time on a daily basis. All students will be heldaccountable for all lateness and absences. Work missed must bemade-up in a timely fashion.
- Come to class prepared and ready to participate with a
pencil,eraser,binder, homework, and any other materials for that day. Each
rubrictakes into account student participation and preparation. - Be respectful of others, their property, artwork, and ideas. This
includes, but is not limited to:
-Maintaining a clean & safe work environment.
-Quietly listening to others during instruction,
demonstrations, and discussions.
demonstrations, and discussions.
- Following specific procedures when working in the art
Studio Art is a foundation course that introduces students to the Elements of Art & Principles of Design, while strengthening creative thinking and drawing skills. Students earn a letter grade, which is averaged in with their GPA the same as their other academic courses. There is a final exam for this course. The exam is administered the week before other subject exams. Students will participate in group critiques, presentations, problem-solving exercises and reflective writing. In addition, students will have the opportunity to experiment with a variety of media and art-making techniques, be exposed to a range of art related careers, as well as a several art historical and cultural influences.
Students may need to come in during scheduled “extra help” sessions to ensure that assignments (no matter how large or small), are completed successfully and on time. If an assignment is not satisfactorily completed it will be returned to the student to finish within one week. Each class project is accompanied by examples and a criterion-referenced rubric, which explains the objectives, expectations, and requirements for successful completion of the project, along with points earned for each level of achievement. Most documents for this course will be shared electronically.
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