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Period 3: geidun8
Maggie Keuerleber
student expectations materials
arrive to class on time sketchbook or notebook
observe due dates 3 gb flash drive
participate in discussions pencils
be respectful
keep an open mind
be willing to loosen up and show your sense of humor
In this class you will be expected to complete a variety of short animations plus a final project at the end of the 2nd quarter. The projects will build upon skills and knowledge learned in the preceding work and will introduce students to the 12 principles of animation.
This course has no prerequisite, therefore, students will be entering with varying amounts of knowledge of the elements of art/ principles of design and computer skills. Each student is expected to work to their greatest ability in order to solve the visual problems that will be presented in each project. Students will learn to use Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate CC, Character Animator and After Effects as tools to create animations and motion graphics. Students are encouraged to incorporate drawing, painting, photography, music, singing, acting or any other creative skill into the final product. Drawing is an important element of the creative process will be encouraged on all projects by use of the sketchbook/notebook as a tool to develop characters,storyboards and scripts.
Students will create a variety of animation projects that will include a sticky note flip book, a living or animated corporate logo, a short animation in which an inanimate object performs a physical activity, and a character “puppet” that is a lovable monster. As a final project, students will use their lovable monster puppet to record a 2 minute or less audition showcasing their appealing personality and special talents. Students will be expected to complete a self-reflection in Google classroom after each project chronically their learning journey and personal growth.
On all projects students will be encouraged to find a variety of design solutions before settling on the project to be handed in. Students will be guided through design solutions but be encouraged and expected to work independently, experiment, research, study, participate in discussions and grow as a result of the process of visual discovery.
extra help
It is your responsibility to complete all projects on the dates under the requirements provided. I will provide extra help on Mondays and Wednesdays (rm 515 or 608) from 2:00 - 3:00.
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